Our Services

Computer Recycling Services Perth Sydney Melbourne Brisbane
In addition to E-Waste computer recycling, secure data destruction, we also specialise in lifecycle service such as redeployment and lease returns, donations and more. All platforms from mobility to the desktop, to the datacenter are included.
Electronic Recycling Near Me

Secure Data Destruction

Did you know the greatest risk of a data breach occurs during technology disposal?

IT Asset Recovery Services

Computer Recycling

Did you know the greatest risk of a data breach occurs during technology disposal?

Asset Management Report


Technology is esential to any business.
That's why we make managing IT easy.

Computer Recycling Perth Western Australia


Did you know the greatest risk of a data breach occurs during technology disposal?

IT Asset Management

Full Audit Reporting

Recycle IT utilses a fully audited asset management system to provide you with end to end asset reporting.

Computer Recycling Perth Western Australia

E-Waste - Electronic Waste

Did you know the greatest risk of a data breach occurs during technology disposal?

Asset Management Audit

Project Managment

Our staff aren't just pick up drivers, they are industry certified.

Computer Collection


Collection of IT Equipment and Hardware around Perth, Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney.

Server Recycling Near Me

Refurbished Equipment

Refurbished equipment at a fraction of the cost to brand new. Enquire today.


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Computer Recyclers Brisbane
It Hardware Recycling

Your Single Source Asset Recovery Solutions Provider

At Recycle IT, we provide a full suite of asset management solutions.