Secure Document Destruction

Did you know one of the greatest risk of a physical data breach occurs during document disposal?
At Recycle IT, we safeguard you from any physical data breaches while also protecting you from the potential financial and legal penalties of a breach.
Our certified document destruction services are fully compliant with heavily regulated industries like healthcare, finance and insurance, as well as and government agencies who have strict guidelines regarding the handling and disposal of confidential data.

From the time the documentation is provided to us, we maintain a very strict chain of custody.

Our secure document destruction methods meet stringent ISO compliance standards. 

For auditing purposes we provide a certificate of destruction verified by an independent third party.

Physical Destruction – The ultimate in document destruction. 

Your documetation will be shredded and the paper is then sent for recycling to minise impact to the environment.

We also provide security destruction bins used for short or long term/permament basis according to your needs.

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Computer Recyclers Brisbane
It Hardware Recycling

Your Single Source Asset Recovery Solutions Provider

At Recycle IT, we provide a full suite of asset management solutions.